客家村落的期看之所:天院 / HAS design and research-卓美
HAS design and research:客家村落长久以来流传一个美丽的传说,他们将榕树视为神树,并喜爱将榕树种植于屋前,以榕树四季长青的体貌,象徵著客家群族繁茂与长寿之意,同时更意味著客家人心胸宽敞,既能容己又能容人。而该传说也让榕树成为每个客家村落最美的一幅自然景色,其硕大的树干不仅遮日挡雨,更成为村民的活动场所。
HAS design and research : There has been a beautiful legend in the Hakka villages for a long time. They regard the banyan tree as a sacred tree and like to plant it in front of the house. The evergreen appearance of the banyan tree symbolizes the prosperity and longevity of the Hakka people. The Hakka people are broad-minded and can tolerate themselves and others. The banyan tree, as a result of this legend, is the most beautiful natural scenery in every Hakka village. Its huge trunk not only shelters the sun and rain but also becomes a place for the villagers’ activities.
▽夜晚时刻的客家村落 Aerial night view of Hakka village
▽中庭空间有如期看之所 The centering hope space
▽光带来特殊的仪式感 The lighting creates a sense of ritual
▽天院替周遭环境带来不同的新视角 The design that frames the new perspective for the surroundings
HAS Design and Research保留客家唯美的传说,把天院(Freeing FrameYard)视为赠予给客家村落的礼物,项目选址于深圳大万世居主轴线,一个傳統方形客家围屋拥有著200多年的歷史與文化。Hung And Songkittipakdee(HAS)著迷于大万世居特有的合院空间,该合院不仅可形成框景眺看天空和感受微风,更是客家人普通披挂丝绸与染织工艺的场所。
HAS Design and Research retains the beautiful Hakka legends and regards Freeing FrameYard as a gift to the Hakka village. The project is located on the main axis of Dawanshiju Hakka Village, Shenzhen. A traditional square Hakka enclosure has a history and culture dating back more than 200 years. The unique courtyard space of Dawanshiju Hakka Village captivates Hung And Songkittipakdee (HAS). The courtyard not only serves as a frame for gazing at the sky and feeling the breeze, but it is also where Hakka people drape silk and do textile printing.
▽草图 First sketch
©️HAS design and research
▽一层平面图 Ground floor plan
©️HAS design and research
▽等角爆炸图Exploded Axonometric
©️HAS design and research
▽等角透视图 Axonometric Diagram
©️HAS design and research
▽早期设计效果图 Architectural illustration
©️HAS design and research
The design continues the Hakka traditional courtyard space and abstractly transforms the traditional culture of silk into architectural space. During the day, nearly 5,000 tubes create a soft and fuzzy space boundary while weakening the surrounding cold concrete buildings, providing visitors with a meditation space where they can communicate with the sky. At night, the light strips hidden in the structure beam draw soft curves, just like the starry sky at night, giving Hakka villages a place of hope.
▽天院延续客家村落特有肌理 The aerial view shows the new architecture integrated into the old village
▽大万世居进口轴线 The view from the main entrance of Dawanshiju
▽立面线绳成为客家村落孩童们的互动元素 The façade also serves as an interactive element for the children of the village
▽阴影营造出永恒感 The shadow creates a timeless feeling
▽孩子们在天院里玩捉迷躲 The children play hide and seek in the new architecture
▽中庭空间看向天空 The central space toward the sky
▽转化客家村落特有的遮阳与通风形式 The unique ventilation and shading space for Hakka village
▽光带来期看并连接天空 The lighting that links the sky with hope
When visitors arrive at the entrance, thousands of tubes form a curtain shape, which is used as a stage space for drama performances during Hakka New Year festivals and also serves as a place for activities, injecting new vitality into the century-old heritage. At the statue of Master Zengzi on the side, thousands of tubes form an arch shape, which not only creates a non-daily ancestor worship experience but also strengthens the dialogue relationship between the new architecture and the century-old Hakka village.
▽天院活化客家村落并发明公共活动空间 The design revitalizes and creates public space for the old Hakka village
▽四个拱形线绳营造出印象深刻的场所氛围 Four arches create impressive internal ceiling space
▽立面线绳形成特有的框景 The façade screen also frames the existing sculpture
▽传统客家手工艺转化至天院的立面线绳 Traditional Hakka handcraft is reflected in the hanging lines
▽立面线绳暗示客家村落的榕树 The double screens resemble the banyan trees that stand in front of Hakka village
▽线绳与结构融为一体 The lines and the structure are integrated
▽结构测试样板 Structure mock-up
©️HAS design and research
▽素材测试样板 Material mock-up
©️HAS design and research
Freeing FrameYard is a unique work of the Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism / Architecture (UABB) of Shenzhen and Hong Kong. The design controls the height of the building below 4 meters. The base structure adopts a free-standing design that does not damage the ground of the heritage site. The upper structure uses flexible adjustable screws to maximize coordination with Hakka village celebrations and achieve a harmonious relationship with the historic buildings. The Freeing FrameYard not only represents the new Hakka village form, but it also becomes the place where the Hakka people place their hearts.
▽总图 Site plan
©️HAS design and research
▽等角透视图 Isometric diagram
©️HAS design and research
▽等角透视图 Isometric diagram
©️HAS design and research
▽南向立面图 South elevation
©️HAS design and research
▽西向立面图 West elevation
©️HAS design and research
▽外立面细部图 Front façade design in detail
©️HAS design and research
▽外部大样图 Details
©️HAS design and research
▽内立面细部图 Arch façade design in detail
©️HAS design and research
▽内部大样图 Details
©️HAS design and research
项目名称:天院 完成年份:2023 项目地点:中国深圳市坪山区坪山街道大万路33号 建筑公司:HAS design and research 公司网站:平方米 指挥单位:深圳市坪山区人民政府 主办单位:中共深圳市坪山区委宣扬部(深圳市坪山区文化广电旅游体育局) 承办单位:坪山美术馆 主策展人:刘晓都、高岩、徐宗汉 执行策展人:李安红 摄影版权:白羽
Project name: Freeing FrameYard Completion year: 2023 Location: 33, Dawan Road, Pingshan Street, Pingshan District, Shenzhen, China Architecture firm: HAS design and research Website:
更多read more about:HAS design and research
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