

misa2 03-20 3次浏览 0条评论


(They) killed my son ... looked like killing an animal like that. This is the tearful indictment of a mother who has suffered the tragic loss of a son.

1982年,美国发生了一件影响深远的事情。27岁的美籍华人陈果仁(Vincent Chin)在新婚前两天,被两名白人男子用棒球棍残暴殴打杀害。

In 1982, a tragedy stunned American society.27-year-old American Chinese, Vincent Chin was fatally beaten with a baseball bat by two white men just two days before his wedding.



At that time, the Japanese auto industry was seen as a serious threat to its US counterpart. Suffering from plummeting car sales and massive layoffs, US manufacturers, politicians and union leaders shifted their blame to the Japanese auto industry. Unemployed American auto workers became hateful toward people of Japanese descent.

两名白人男子罗纳德·埃本斯(Ronald Ebens)及其继子迈克尔·尼茨(Michael Nitz)就职于当地一家汽车公司。两人误以为陈果仁是日裔,将愤怒的情绪宣泄在他身上。

The two white murderers, Ronald Ebens and Michael Nitz, worked at a local auto company.They mistook Vincent for a Japanese personand vented their rage on him.

在埃本斯和尼茨认罪后,法官查尔斯·考夫曼(Charles Kaufman)仅判处两人三年缓刑和3000余美元罚款。这意味着凶手不用坐牢,只要交上罚款就可以回家。“被害人挈了四天才死,因此依据种种情状来看,被告的原意是要整人,但出手太重,不顾人命,这符合过失杀人。”

The victim lingered for 4 days, which again, based upon everything that was indicative to me,that they attempted to administer a punishment.They did this too severely in careless, reckless disregard of human lifewhich is what manslaughter is, declaredCharles Kaufman, thejudgefor Chins case.

“他的命还不如一辆二手车值钱。” 陈果仁的一位朋友哀叹道。这件惨案,引发了美国泛亚裔的维权运动。来自不同国家的美籍亚裔移民,首次联合起来争取人权。


He thinks that we owe him some kind of a gratitude, because we, the people, Chinese people here,are united against his judgment. said a retired employee at US Ford Motor Company.




All men are created equal, proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence is a mere slogan with no action.


美国司法部长梅里克·加兰(Merrick Garland)说:“白人至上主义引发的暴力是美国目前面临的‘最大恐惧主义威逼之一’。”

MerrickGarland, USAttorney General once addressed thatthe top domestic violent extremist threat comes from racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists,specifically, those who advocated for the superiority of the white race.


Dont judge a book by its cover, they say,but in the US,it only seems to work if youre a white book.


日本强推“排海”,这个为它“背书”的国家尴尬了 视频丨习近平步出舱门 俄方在机场举行迎宾仪式

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