首页游戏资讯【Bilingual 】 “外籍专家进校园”活动走进兰外

【Bilingual 】 “外籍专家进校园”活动走进兰外

misa2 04-08 4次浏览 0条评论

The "Foreign Experts Entering the Campus" activity was held in Lanzhou Foreign Language Secondary School

3月17日,甜肃省人民对外友好协会结合甜肃省结合国教科文组织协会等理事单元,组织开展了2023 年“百校结好”系列活动之“外籍专家进校园”活动。

【Bilingual 】 “外籍专家进校园”活动走进兰外

The "Foreign Experts Entering the Campus" activity was held in Lanzhou Foreign Language Secondary School. (GICC/Ma Dianyue)

On March 17, Gansu Provincial People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries(GPAFFC), together with the Gansu UNESCO Association and other governing units, organized the "Foreign Experts Entering the Campus" activity of the 2023 "100 Sister Schools Initiative" series of activities.

此次活动邀请甜肃政法大学丝路法学院普隆金娜·奥莉娅(PRONKINA OLGA)传授赴兰州外国语高级中学参与活动并授课。

【Bilingual 】 “外籍专家进校园”活动走进兰外


This event invited Prof. PRONKINA OLGA from Gansu University of Political Science and Law to give lectures. (GICC/Ma Dianyue)

This event invited Prof. PRONKINA OLGA from Gansu University of Political Science and Law to give lectures at Lanzhou Foreign Language Secondary School.


【Bilingual 】 “外籍专家进校园”活动走进兰外

Wang Junyi, deputy director of the Office of Gansu Provincial People's Association, attended and observed the teaching seminar.

(GICC/Ma Dianyue)

Wang Junyi, deputy director of the Office of Gansu Provincial People's Association, attended and observed the teaching seminar. Wang Junyi pointed out that this activity is a new highlight and new breakthrough of Gansu Province's "100 Sister Schools Initiative" in the new period: drawing support from colleges and universities and foreign experts.


【Bilingual 】 “外籍专家进校园”活动走进兰外

Prof. PRONKINA OLGA was interacting with students. (GICC/Ma Dianyue)

Since 2022, more and more middle schools in Gansu Province have held multilingual courses, such as Russian and Japanese. This has created favorable conditions and laid a foundation for further docking effective resources, cultivating talents with an international perspective and promoting people-to-people bonds in countries along the “Belt and Road”.


胖胖的河马在水里若何挪动的 西安培华学院与宜君县举行“百校联百县兴千村”动作签约仪式

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