首页游戏资讯CBN丨Baidu plans to launch ChatGPT-styble bot Ernie in March

CBN丨Baidu plans to launch ChatGPT-styble bot Ernie in March

misa2 04-11 3次浏览 0条评论

Hi everyone. I’m Stephanie LI.


Coming up on today’s program.


China's exchanges launched bond market-making businesses;

Baidu announces its own ChatGPT-Style AI chatbot “Ernie”.


China's bourses on Monday launched the bond market-making businesses of 12 securities firms.

The 12 market makers are Essence Securities, Orient Securities, Guotai Junan Securities, Guosen Securities, Huatai Securities, Shenwan Hongyuan Securities, China Galaxy Securities, China Merchants Securities, China Securities, CITIC Securities, Caitong Securities, and Sinolink Securities.

The Shanghai Stock Exchange said that in January 2022, it issued new bond trading rules that included guidelines for bond market-making businesses.

The bourse has recently conducted market-making technical acceptance processes and tests for the securities firms that intend to participate in bond market-making.

Similarly, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange has issued detailed guidelines to pave the way for the bond market-making businesses.

The China Securities Regulatory Commission has stated that the launch of bond market-making businesses will help cut liquidity premiums and bond issuance costs, sharpen the functions of the bond market, and support the real economy further.

The businesses are also conducive to improving pricing efficiency and forming a bond yield curve that more accurately reflects market supply and demand, to provide a reference for market pricing, the commission added.







China has mapped out an outline for boosting its strength in product quality and the influence of Chinese brands by 2025, according to the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council on Monday, which envisioned a shift toward created in China from made in China, toward Chinese quality from Chinese speed, and toward Chinese brands from Chinese products. Measures will be taken to make notable improvements to the quality and efficiency of economic development, increase the quality and competitiveness of industries continuously, and raise the quality levels of products, projects and services, per the plan. It also sets goals for greater progress in brand-building, setting up more modern and effective quality infrastructure and fine-tuning the country's quality management system by 2025. 中国品牌打造道路图敲定:6日动静,中共中心、国务院近日印发《量量强国建立纲要》,提出到2025年,量量整体程度进一步全面进步,中国品牌影响力稳步提拔。经济开展量量效益明显提拔;财产量量合作力继续加强,建成一批具有引领力的量量卓著财产集群;产物、工程、办事量量程度显著提拔,造造业产物行量合格率到达94%;品牌建立获得更猛进展,并构成一多量量量过硬、优势明显的中国品牌。详细行动方面,《纲要》明白,完美品牌培育提拔开展机造,开展中国品牌创建动作,打造中国精品和“百年老店”。


Hong Kong's stock exchange operator announced on Monday the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with its Saudi Arabian counterpart to explore partnerships in cross-listings as the Asian financial hub is pitching for Saudi oil giant Aramco's listing in Hong Kong. Under the MOU, the two exchanges have plans to explore operations in fintech, ESG, cross-listings and other areas, according to a statement by HKEX. Hong Kong Chief Executive John Lee said on Monday the financial hub would support Saudi Aramco if it chose to list in the city. 李家超鼓舞沙特阿美来港上市:6日,香港特区行政长官李家超率团出访中东,在沙特阿拉伯会见传媒时透露,沙特阿美营业多元化,除了石油方面,也有差别子公司、子企业,会尽量向他们介绍香港优势,鼓舞他们到香港做差别参与,包罗上市。同时,港交所公布,与沙特证交所集团签订协做备忘录,在金融科技、ESG、互挂上市以及两边均感兴致的其他范畴摸索协做机遇。


China's AI giant Baidu confirmed plans to roll out a ChatGPT-style service, triggering an immediate rally in its Hong Kong-listed shares that surged 18 percent on Tuesday morning. The Beijing-based company has named its own version of AI-based chatbot Ernie Bot, which it plans to officially launch in March after completing internal testing, according to a press release Tuesday morning. 百度官宣“类ChatGPT利用”文心一言:2月7日,百度公家号官宣大模子新项目文心一言(英文名ERNIE Bot)。百度称,在人工智能四层架构中,有全线规划。包罗底层的芯片、深度进修框架、大模子以及最上层的搜刮等利用。文心一言位于模子层。百度表达,在人工智能范畴深耕数十年,拥有财产级常识加强文心大模子ERNIE,具备跨模态、跨语言的深度语义理解与生成才能。百度港股今天大幅拉升,盘中一度涨18%,收涨15.3%。

Chinese state-owned homebuilder Poly Developments and Holdings Group is selling its stakes in 12 real estate joint ventures with Country Garden, one of the country’s largest private developers. The stakes are being tendered online with for a total of almost 2.3 billion yuan, according to disclosures made on the website of China Beijing Equity Exchange. Poly owns between 35 percent and 51 percent in the 12 ventures, which are in various Chinese cities including Nanjing, Chongqing and Zhuhai. 保利打包让渡12家公司股权:2月6日,据全国产权行业信息化综合办事平台信息披露,保利开展将12家公司股权挂牌,挂牌总金额合计约23亿元。经股权穿透查验,12家企业均是保利开展与碧桂园的合资企业,位于珠海、常州、南京、重庆等多个城市。12家公司股权均为保利开展参与的项目,需要打包停止出卖,购置方必需是统一主体。挂牌价即为成交底价,不克不及折价出卖。

Huang Guangyu, founder and major shareholder of Gome Retail Holdings, may raise his stake in the Chinese home appliances retailer to 20 to 30 percent if a proposed debt-to-equity swap is approved, the company said Monday. Huang is trying to replenish Gome’s cash flow through interest-free unsecured loans. Huang’s companies provided HK$780 million of such loans to the cash-strapped electronics retail chains between December and this January. 国美零售回应黄光裕失往控股权:6日,国美系A股上市公司中关村通知布告,国美零售已无控股股东,黄光裕对国美电器不再构成间接掌握关系的动静引发市场存眷。对此,国美方面回应,大股东黄光裕持有国美零售股份比例当前低于30%,故上市公司暂无控股股东。大股东对国美将来开展充满自信心,正在通过无息免抵押告贷等办法充盈现金流。特殊股东大管帐划已通知布告,债务本钱化议案一旦获得通过,大股东持股比例将提拔,并恢复至20%-30%之间。


Chinese listed photovoltaic inverter producers have predicted their net profits to have been at least doubled last year from 2021, as the business performance of the device makers is expected to be one of the best among others in the PV field. Yuneng Technology forecast the largest earnings leap among all other PV inverter suppliers. The firm said its net profit likely surged 230 percent to 269 percent to 340 million and 380 million yuan in 2022 from the previous year. New energy equipment maker Sungrow Power Supply expects net profit to have jumped 102 percent to 140 percent to between 3.2 billion and 3.8 billion yuan last year from 2021, while smart energy solution provider GoodWe forecast the annual net profit to be up 112 percent to 153 percent to between 590 million and 707 million yuan. 光伏逆变器上市公司功绩集体翻倍:截至6日,光伏逆变器板块2022年功绩预告悉数披露。逆变器成为除上游硅料环节之外功绩表示最亮眼的光伏子板块,各家企业均实现功绩翻番。阳关电源主营集中式逆变器和组串式逆变器,其净利润规模为逆变器板块第一,公司估量实现回母净利润32亿元-38亿元,同比增长102%-140%;微型逆变器“双雄”昱能科技、禾迈股份别离估量2022年实现回母净利润3.4亿元-3.8亿元、5亿元-5.5亿元;龙头股固德威估量全年回母净利润5.9亿-7.07亿元,同比增111.06%-152.92%。


China's foreign exchange reserves rose to $3.18 trillion at the end of January from $3.13 trillion of the previous month, central bank data showed Tuesday. The country has increased its gold reserves for three consecutive months to 65.12 million ounces at the end of January. 1月末外汇储蓄31844.6亿美圆:2月7日央行数据展现,中国1月外汇储蓄31844.6亿美圆,前值31276.9亿美圆;中国1月末黄金储蓄报6512万盎司,为持续第三个月增加。


Chinese stocks finished with small gains on Tuesday after a three-session slide. The benchmark Shanghai Composite gained 0.3 percent, while the Shenzhen Component rose 0.1 percent. Hong Kong's Hang Seng index added 0.4 percent, and the TECH index edged up 1.2 percent. A股震荡港股行跌:周二A股三大指数今日窄幅震荡,截至收盘,沪指涨0.29%,深成指涨0.12%,创业板指跌0.24%,沪深两市全天成交额8457亿元。机器人概念股全天领涨。港股集体收涨,恒指涨0.36%,恒生科技指数收涨1.15%。

Biz Word of the Day


A solar inverter or photovoltaic (PV) inverter is a type of power inverter which converts the variable direct current (DC) output of a photovoltaic solar panel into a utility frequency alternating current (AC) that can be fed into a commercial electrical grid or used by a local, off-grid electrical network. 光伏逆变器能够将光伏(PV)太阳能板产生的可变曲流电压转换为市电频次交换电(AC)的逆变器,能够反应回商用输电系统,或是供离网的电网利用。光伏逆变器是光伏阵列系统中重要的系统平衡(BOS)之一,能够共同一般交换供电的设备利用。太阳能逆变器有共同光伏阵列的特殊功用,例如更大功率点逃踪及孤岛效应庇护的机能。

Executive Editor: Sonia YU

Editor: LI Yanxia

Host: Stephanie LI

Writer: Stephanie LI

Sound Editor: Stephanie LI

Graphic Designer: ZHENG Wenjing, LIAO Yuanni

Produced by 21st Century Business Herald Dept. of Overseas News.

Presented by SFC

编委: 于晓娜






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