进进 本身的电话空间,点击空间右边的“自定义”
接着就是找能够免费利用的代码,能够在各大搜刮网上面搜刮“空间4.0()代码”,详尽 一点的话就把导航、皮肤、鼠标、挂件啊那些类别放在括号里
找到代码以后呢,就把它复造下来,然后粘贴在空间的地址栏(就是输进 网址的处所)上面,重视 必然是要在“自定义”形态下粘贴,否则没用的,接着按回车键就呈现效果了,喜好的话就保留就好了,假设 不喜好就再接着找好了,不外有些代码是已经失效的,就算按了回车也没有效果出来,不外有些是多按几次回车键就出效果的
假设 想要放模块在空间的话,就复造图片的地址(右击图片,属性),然后也是在空间的“自定义”形态下,模块-新建模块-图片模块,剩下的就看楼主的爱好了,最初要记得保留
最初的话就是音乐了,当然你先要有播放器,播放器也是能够用上面所讲的,用代码刷出来,搜“电话空间播放器代码”就好了,选好播放器以后,进进 空间的音乐盒,然后进进 音乐收躲 ,能够看到右边有个“添加音乐收躲 ”翻开以后,也是在右边,有个“添加收集音乐”(在“我的购物车”下面),翻开它
然后往 百度的MP3上搜你想要放进空间做布景音乐的歌,翻开试听,重视 要找毗连快的,然后在歌曲的进度下面有一个地址,把它复造下来,(复造灵敏 体例也一样的),粘贴到空间的收集音乐URL一栏,歌曲名河上、歌手都能够本身填的
需要重视 的是,电话空间的收集音乐过一段时间就会放不出来的,所以根本上要几个月更新一次
不外仍是尽量详尽 的告诉你了,期看 对你有所搀扶帮助 ~~有什么问题能够HI我哦~~
龙里手族持久发布QQ空间造造 教学和供给QQ空间造造 素材而逐步走红于收集!
如今伟申的fiash链接不克不及用了 那网站上还有针对那个的代码了 你把阿谁代码弄进往 就ok了。
怎么把龙行QQ社区的FLASH设置成QQ空间里的收场动画的详尽 解答Midautumn Festival
Midautumn Festival, is a China's ancient holiday, because in
August 15 this day is in autumn center, therefore is called Midautumn
Festival. The holiday characteristic is eats the moon cake and raises
the lantern.
Midautumn Festival and the lunar calendar new year are same, is a
family member happy ending family member. Night of the midautumn
festival, the moon roundest, is brightest, moonlight also brightest
America. Each and every family food and so on fruits and melons, moon
cake, suspends in the courtyard on the table, the whole family enjoys
looking at the moon at the same time eats the moon cake at the same
time, is precisely "the space turn only then holds, the world common
people raise look", this is the how happy prospect.
Midautumn Festival's traditional food is the moon cake, the moon cake
is a circular, the symbolic reunion, had reflected people happy desire
which reunite to the family member. Midautumn Festival eats the moon
cake it is said to begin in the Yuan Dynasty, at that time, Zhu
Yuanzhang led the Han Nationality people to revolt against the Yuan
Dynasty tyranny, agreed in August 15 this day revolt, by presented as
a gift the moon cake the means to clamp mutually the note in the moon
cake transmits the news. Midautumn Festival eats the moon cake the
custom then to spread in the folk.
Afterwards, Zhu Yuanzhang finally overthrew Yuan Dynasty, first
emperor which became the Ming Dynasty, although after that the Qing
Dynasty person was in charge China, but the people still celebrated
this symbol to overthrow the holiday which the alien race ruled.
Celebration way
Midautumn Festival in Singapore is quite lively. The holiday
arrived a front for month, the moon cake lantern starts to go on the
market. Moon cake, not only satisfies people's luck of having good
things to eat also to use for the ancestor worship to pay respects to
the moon, is the holiday high quality goods which the relative friend
presents mutually. Except the moon cake, Midautumn Festival's another
kind of holiday high quality goods are "the pomelo".
Speaking of the young people, makes them feel the interest is the all
kinds of manufacture fine lantern, they also were taking advantage of
the holiday opportunity, exposes manufactures the lantern the talent,
adults also may at the once a year lantern manufacture competition and
the decorative lantern exposition heartily the entertainment.
The Singaporean person also may participate by the populace contacts
or the clubhouse sponsor midautumn festival party. The whole family
enjoys looking at the moon also is fine deeds together, displays the
fruits and melons, the moon cake in the home, again adds the children
lantern, is warm, harmonious。
In order to cause the midautumn festival festival the atmosphere
thickly, celebration is more common, we suggested hangs up the lantern
in the public place, at the same time sponsors plays lantern-riddles
and so on the activity.
为什么我进龙行空间社区翻开电话空间模块进进 时找不到模块地址啊自定义模块将停止全面升优化,暂不撑持添加没有审核的flash链接。那个只是腾讯...你得找代码呀 然后复造在空间地址栏里 ...他妈的腾讯,贱 我靠。 ...