城外,大水沉没 的古塔就是鲁班的遗迹,只要黄河退潮的时候才气进进
公元前二一八年,秦始皇在同一全国以后,起头了残暴 的大残杀 ,墨家的门生被迫东奔西跑,此日,墨家大门生姬伯常率领门徒季子耕和屈娴、水镜,下山刺探谍报,刚刚走下山,却看到秦国的踏弩在逃杀本身的门生,没有办法 ,为了庇护墨家大寨的平安,只要牺牲他们两小我,可是水镜决然决定往 救他们岩做,于是巨匠兄决定先让屈娴和水镜先回墨家大寨报信,本身和季子耕往 救幸存者。
刚一起头能够熟悉一下操做和地形,重视 以后在游戏中所有的宝箱翻开后都可以粗饥衡把肢纯它拆开,酿成木材或金属,那个在以后的天书建造中,长短常重要的资本。屈娴和水镜回到墨家大寨的路上,能够找到柴炭粉,在一个山坡上找到手镯。
回到墨家大寨,那里其实是一个挪动的要塞,每小我都有本身的工作在忙,在大门旁边有四小我在角逐赛跑,他们的角逐是随机的,所以要多猜几遍才能够猜对,猜赢后可以得到跌打药酒。在大寨门口上面一点点的处所,与乃风谈话,她说有6只狗跑到大寨里面来了,怕狗在那里咬人,所以挣脱 水镜往 挠 到那6只狗,那些狗都在大寨内,而大寨又不大,所以仍是比力好找,挠 到那些狗后,能够回到乃风那里得到建木千结叶。在大寨门口的师兄洪钟,他说他的木板被弄坏了,可是每小我都是有数量的,于是水镜决定帮他往 找,在寨子后面,拆有一个机关的大车的旁边与两小我说话,拿到木板,回往 喊 给洪钟,他会很感恩 的送给水镜解毒草。在主厅门口的右边小桃说手破了,却又不敢向师兄要药,于是水镜决定往 帮他要药,其实往 刚刚送给木板的洪钟那里,就可以拿到药,回往 送给她,就得到建木千结叶。在大寨内良多人都在迷惘 机关人的问题,事实什么是机关人,水镜想向夫人问个大白。
进进 到主厅那里,庇护 的人说夫人已经歇息了,屈娴决定等夫人歇息后再报告请示,可是水镜却说如许告急的工作要无论什么工作都要起首报告请示,于是来到夫人的房间,报告请示完情状 后,水镜刚刚想问机关人的问题,屈娴却把她喊 走了,因为怕影响到夫人的歇息,屈娴让水镜到她的房间往 找她,来到女子配房2,水镜说想往 查询拜访夫人刚刚手里拿的黑色竹简。
深夜,各人都睡下了,可是水镜却不断都睡不着,她在想着白日夫人手里的阿谁黑色竹简还有机关人的奥秘 ,于是决定往 夫人的房间问个事实,刚刚到夫人的房间,却发现夫人一小我在悄悄的落泪,夫人也有本身的苦衷,可是她却说让水镜往 大寨西南标的目的的山洞中觅 觅 一个辅子彻留下的绿色竹简。
接到夫人的号令后出寨门,来到大地图上西南面的山洞,那里喊 做潜元洞,重视 搜集封印之蛋,在洞的最深处,能够看到红色的巨型怪物,打垮它后,夫人却突然 呈现了,她说那只是考验,并且阿谁红色的巨型怪物仍是辅子彻昔时收服的。
回到大寨,夫人把所有的工作都讲给了水镜听,而且把一切的重任都交给了她,阿谁黑色的竹简笔录 着墨家的机关兽的奥秘 ,固然墨家不主张利用,但是到了危机的时刻仍是需要借助它的力量。回到房间,清晨,有人说巨匠兄姬伯常回来了,于是往 须眉配房探看 。
刚进进 配房,就传来了季师兄牺牲的凶讯,巨匠兄也身受重伤,探看 之后,屈娴让水镜往 女子配房,她说有重要的使命要往 完成,而且禁绝水镜擅自分开大寨,墨家的大寨起头被迫迁徙。
墨家的大寨已经迁徙过两次了,水镜一小我在大寨里其实闷的很,她突然 想起来阿谁黑色的竹简上面的字还不熟悉 ,在大寨中找医师淳于导,他说那是晋国的文字,而且告诉水镜屈娴他们是施行刺杀秦始皇的使命往 了,秦始皇为了可以长生不老,在四处搜集成仙的法门,于是水镜又在想歪点子,她决定往 搀扶帮助 师姐,还能够趁便往 洛阳找个看的懂晋国文字的人,可是水镜并没有出大寨的令牌,管同屋子的虞紫借来令牌,悄悄的溜出往 。
从大地图到了博浪沙,看到了秦始皇修建的驰道,觉得秦始皇会从那里路过,刚刚走了不远,却看到了很像投石机一样的机器,水镜认为是巨匠姐设下刺杀秦始皇的,于是便躲 在旁边的草丛里,但是来的人并非师姐,而是一个令郎和一个力士,他们也在此刺杀秦始皇,他们在言谈中好象流露 出对韩国的莫名好感。二个时辰后,见到秦国的步队汹涌澎湃的走过来了,原来满有把握的刺杀动作,却因为突然 呈现的一个紫面术士,他救了秦始皇,而力士看到工作不成立即 跑了,水镜也趁着乱跑掉了,会履历几次持续的战斗,重视 战斗立即 补血。
逃跑到博浪沙树林的后段,能够找到良多的好工具,突然 看到适才的令郎,他正在与三个秦国兵士纠缠,那三个兵士自称砍头三人组,极为搞笑的三小我,水镜上往 帮住令郎,杀了那三个秦国兵士,打起来有些食 力,好不随便 把阿谁军官打死,那时师兄与师姐呈现了。
被带到墨家的大寨,晓得阿谁紫面的术士其实喊 赤松子,水镜却遭到了赏罚,好在阿谁喊 姬良的令郎帮水镜解了围,可是刺杀之功可免,偷偷逃出大寨的功名却不克不及宽恕,水镜被罚一个月不克不及出大寨,孤单的水镜想到阿谁姬良满嘴的仁义和大事理,是不是他晓得晋国的文字,在大寨后面的古墓中,能够看到正在研究机关的姬良,他翻开了通向古墓机关2层的大门。
水镜决定进往 看看,在古墓里面找到了良多的好工具,要重视 搜集,刚刚的下到二层,进来的门却都关上了。水镜看二层里面的机关打不开,于是便找姬良筹议,把竹简交与姬良看,却被收进 到天书内,在里面可以找到一些建筑素材 ,以后操纵那些素材 能够在天书内建造一个村子,靠吸收 进来的怪物干活,建造不错的配备和药材,而且里面的建筑是能够晋级的,水镜发现从阿谁的光球其实就能够回到现实中的世界,可是刚一出来就看到了屈娴又触动了机关,回往 的门又关上了,姬良做了一个尝试,把对面的怪物吸收 到了天书里面,可以陆续 走了。
在古墓第二层的最深处,有两个烛台,点燃后门就可以翻开,砍头三人组又呈现了,不外他们已经是鬼魂,来到中心 的墓室,那里都是陪葬的齐国鬼魂。有一个白叟发问了三个问题,俯首帖耳的问题抉择 2,吴依软语抉择 1,破瓜之年抉择 2。全数都打对后得到神异 之果。刚刚靠近棺木,棺木中的仆人却呈现了,长命君在战斗中会一次变身,他旁边的小骷髅兵没有任何进攻 力,所以不消怕他们,但是要重视 长命君仍是很强的,打死它后砍头三组找到了出路,在韩国古墓里,会有一个三个路口的迷宫,先走中间和右边的路,把两座机关按下,中间大厅的门就能够翻开,在大厅内的石碑动弹后,翻开下一层的门,通过大禹水道走出了古墓,在门口会碰着 一个九尾妖狐精,本来古墓穿越了黄河。姬良说在洛阳四周 能够找到机关术的一些线索,同时他还要拜见 一位洛阳的老伴侣仓海君,就是那小我搀扶帮助 了他刺杀秦始皇。
来到洛阳,刚刚要进进 到城里,却在城门口看到几个匪徒掠夺一个商人,过往 搀扶帮助 商人打退仇敌,商人一再感激,进进 城中,洛阳不愧是一个大城市,可是秦始皇把各人都要赶到咸阳,于是所有人都都人心惶惶的样子,与在街边的创派学者说话得到还灵丹,广场上有四个学者在争论些什么,撑持墨家得到建木千结叶,撑持法家得到活灵芝,撑持儒家得到舍利子,撑持道家得到详慧之书。碰着 一个活动的商人,他在卖鸡蛋,但是花1000钱买回来的时候,却发现是一个封印之蛋。在一个老汉家门口,他说他的屋子里面有魔鬼,他不敢进往 ,水镜一听魔鬼,认为是本身的特长,于是便主动承担下来,进到屋子却发现本来是孝子为了给母亲治病,而被迫拆魔鬼偷钱,救他之后,老汉会给100钱做为奖励,重视 那里假设 抉择 拿100钱,会把钱交给孝子,得到唤云符纸,但是会有损墨家名望。而抉择 不要钱,在广场东面的一间斗室子里找到孝子和他母亲,帮他们买药,也会得到唤云符纸。
来到仓海君的院门口,却看到官兵扼守,姬良怕是因为本身刺杀秦始皇而扳连仓海君,让水镜过往 先问问,水镜与门口的兵士和船埠工人谈话,晓得那只是移 家的咸阳,没有什么,不外仓海君已经移 到客栈往 住了,来到客栈二层,有一个大婶在找她的孩子,其实孩子就在客栈不远处与另一名小孩子告别 ,找到后,得到指向傀儡,找到仓海君,他说那里说话不便利,让一会下一层再说。来到一层,仓海君说一路刺杀秦始皇的力士没有求助紧急 ,并且让姬良先找一个处所住下,过几天要引见一位喊 项伯的伴侣。
往 旅店睡一觉,姬良让水镜往 告诉仓海君已经安设 下来,刚刚来到仓海君的客栈,却得知秦始皇往 琅琊台求仙,为了可以见到仙人而舍弃 庇护 的动静,水镜回往 与姬良说,他认为那是阴谋,但是水镜不断认为那是一个绝好的时机。那个时候,仓海君派人说项伯来了,本来他就是在城门口搭救的商人。当问到鲁班遗迹的时候,项伯让找一位喊 安渠的人问问,在城内多问问,就可以问到安渠的动静,城门的一个大汉说安渠就在城门四周 ,其实安渠就在大汉后面一点点的一个屋子门口,与他谈话,说了往 鲁班遗迹必需的前提,得到了羊皮图卷。
本来大水沉没 的古塔就是鲁班的以及,但是只要黄河退潮的时候才气进进 ,看到宏伟 的踏后,下到二层,那里的战斗只要20次,也就是说打过20次以后仇敌就不会呈现,能够放心的走路,因为越往里面走仇敌约强,所以能够在洞门口多打几仗再进往 ,看到第一个分岔口,曲走是陆续 的路,转弯是绝路,但是有好工具拿,重视 以后的迷宫都是如许的,只要独一的一条路能够走,其余分收都是好工具,在第二个转弯事后,就能在黄河底看到壮看 的鲁班造船。鲁班造船里面只要一些好工具,从船头走到船尾,能够看到别的一条通路,那里就是鲁班的密屋了,走到鲁班遗迹B2,姬良说要研究鲁班留下的册本,走大厅的别的一个分收,来到遗迹中心,再往旁边的路,最初见到了浩荡 的机关兽,回往 找姬良,他说可以修好那个。
最初给各人填补 一些材料:
人物名称: 品级: 所学招事名:
水镜 初始技能 墨家拳
2级 恨生剑舞
7级 飞龙突阵挠
9级 毒盅咒
11级 墨剑*扰心一式
16级 墨剑*杀生一式
20级 断水覆月
23级 墨剑*连环一式
27级 泯末胭脂
35级 墨剑*扰心二式
39级 惊天动地拳
姬良 初始技能 加血
10级 冷 冰蚀骨
12级 进 梦咒
14级 侵沐春风
16级 清风咒
18级 祭云术
20级 凝血雷雨
22级 弱体咒
24级 祭风术
26级 火风轮
28级 束缚咒
30级 借物代形
32级 地盘神念法
34级 罩身咒
36级 实火念法
38级 健身咒
疾鹏大人 初始技能(20级) 机关修复术
21级 百步矢
25级 机关雷霆拳
30级 车轮斩
32级 铁石注生术
36级 千步矢
39级 穿心龙甲拳
阐明 :那是每小我的技能表,因为笔者是三小我都是40级打通的游戏,所以所有招事笔录 都只要到40为行,详细以后的技能就只要靠广阔玩家本身摸索 了,疾鹏大人的初始品级就是20,它晋级十分快,每次战斗的体味 值都是同时分配的,就是说只要参与 战斗的人,在战斗中没有灭亡,所分到的体味 就是相差不多的,而且游戏中的怪物经常的逃跑,那个另人非常的头痛,而游戏中还有不克不及遭到掌握 的角色屈娴,他能随机的打出一些进攻 ,更有用的是她可以加血,每次150格,初期很有用,但是有的时候把怪物打成虚格要收伏的时候,她往往上往 乱砍,也挺让人头痛的。
轩辕剑系列出了11个单机: 1。轩辕剑1, 2。轩辕剑2, 3。轩辕剑2别传枫之舞 4。轩辕剑3云和山的彼端 5。轩辕剑3别传天之痕 6。轩辕伏魔录 7。樱春轩辕剑4黑龙舞兮云飞扬 8。轩辕剑4别传苍之消悄涛 9。轩辕剑5一剑凌云山海情 10。轩辕剑5别传汉之云 11。轩辕剑5别传云之远 【那个目前只要繁体没有简脊桥耐体】 据说因经费问题,不会有下一部了,目前归正没传闻有造造 中的
跪求轩辕剑云与山的彼端完全 版下载《辕剑3云和山的彼端》 下载地址: 【轩辕剑BBS团公用回液帆答链接】系列游戏介绍 【轩辕剑BBS团公用答复链接】系列攻略地址聚集 腾讯【轩辕剑BBS团公用答复链接】论坛 【轩辕剑BBS团公用答复链接】论坛 腾讯【轩辕剑BBS团公用答复链接】论坛天之痕地图攻略! 【轩辕剑BBS团公用答复链接】手机版天之痕1-5章全攻略 【轩辕剑BBS团公用答复链接】永久的典范!回忆 轩辕剑最典范别传【天之痕】冲动 无数人 【轩辕剑BBS团公用答复链接】细数淘宝轩辕剑伪正版闹亮雹系列,版主带您揭露 淘宝上欺诈手段 重视 !键州请所有存眷云之远 游戏的玩家进来看看(还有不断等破解版)
写张云龙的英文做文Zhang Yunlong, Chinese mainland actor, was born in March 2, 1988 in Dalian, Liaoning, graduated from the Department of performing at the Beijing Film Academy 09 undergraduate class three.
In 2013, star of the TV series "micro time" in Chinese and Greek actor is concerned, the same year starred in the drama "Gu Jian". 2014 with micro film "love express" to obtain the 21st session of the Beijing Student Film Festival original film contest for Best Actor Award, the same year idol drama star "is not the same as the handsome man" and starred in the TV drama "just like you"察卖配. In 2015 by the film director He Jiong's "youth campus drama" and "败指Gardenia" translator. The 2016 movie starring "proud and Prejudice" and "Xuanyuanjian costume fantasy drama of Han cloud".
看 配乱摘 纳谢谢
读音:[xuān yuán jiàn]
释义:1.古代胡兄一种有围棚或帷幕的车。亮简 2.有窗的长廊或小屋。
释义:1.车前驾家畜的两根曲木。 2.旧时指军营、官厅的外门,借指衙署。
Hu Ge, September 20, 1982 was born in Shanghai Xuhui District, mainland Chinese actors, singers, producers.
In 1996, 14-year-old Hu Ge has become a small host of Shanghai Education Television, graduated from the Shanghai Theater Academy in 2005, the same year in the fairy chivalrous "Paladin" in shaping the "Lee Happy" corner, and singing The episode "Rain in June" "Happy Sigh". August 2006 suffered a serious car accident, in June 2007 comeback. 2009 starring Xian Chivalry "Paladin 3". 2010 starred in the drama "myth" in the CCTV eight sets of broadcast. 2011 participating in the historical theme film "Revolution" and nominated Volkswagen Film Award "Best New Artist Award". Starred in two drama in 2013, and by virtue of "dream dream" won the Beijing Danny International Stage Performing Arts Award "best actor award". In 2014 the war drama "forty-nine festival" and by the play nominated Shanghai TV Festival Magnolia Award "Best Supporting Actor Award." In 2005, starring spy drama "camouflage", costume drama "Langya list", urban drama "good times" in the TV broadcast, has won the Asian TV drama seminar "Asian special contribution award", the national drama festival "the most Best Actor Actor Award ", China TV Golden Eagle Award" Best Actor Actor Award ", Shanghai TV Festival White Olive Award" Best Actor Award ", China TV Golden Eagle Award" audience favorite actor award ", China Golden Eagle Television Festival "The most popular actor award"和春 and other awards. 2016 as the first Shanghai tourism ambassador, and in the CCTV Spring Festival Evening singing songs "love each other." 2017 the second time on the CCTV Spring Festival Evening singing song "at the moment", and served as his alma mater Shanghai Theater Academy performing professional art examiners, the same year in March to study in the United States.
Hu Ge in kindergarten, he was selected by the Shanghai TV station small stars Art Troupe, that year there are more than 30,000 children in Shanghai to test, and finally admitted 60, Hu Ge is one of them.
Hu Ge primary school enrolled in Shanghai Xiangyang primary school, junior high school in Shanghai secondary school junior high school 95 class 1 class, high school studying in Shanghai second middle school high school 98 class 3 class, high school 01 session 7 class. Hu Ge in the primary school stage was wearing three bars of the brigade members, in the middle school stage also served as the school flag-raising ceremony host, school radio station director, school drama club president, school chorus head, class group secretary, class physics Class representative, Xuhui District student drama troupe responsible person, also participated in the CCTV "Zhengda variety" program theme song "love dedication" MV shooting.
In 1996, Shanghai Education Television for the beach on the recruitment of high school students host, Hu Ge successfully break out, elected the "Sunshine Junior" column host, and in this small host of the industry to do a few years. At the same time, he was in Shanghai Oriental radio station and a number of columns of the host and journalists, made a magazine student editor, in Xuhui District Juvenile Palace Drama Club drama "red handkerchief story" won the second session of Shanghai students Art Festival drama special first prize, also in the movie "national anthem" in the show, and participated in the animated film "Lotus Lantern" voice.
In 2001, Hu Ge admitted to the Central Academy of Drama director of the Department, the professional achievement is the second (first for the custody), and later went to the Shanghai Theater Academy Department of the interview, the third test, because the teacher Persuasion and family reasons to choose to stay in Shanghai
Hu Ge in the performance of the first semester of the second semester, his friend to the Shanghai Tang Dynasty Film Production Co., Ltd. to shoot the TV series "Book Sword Encyclopedia" in Shanghai dubbing, Hu Ge also went so far with the director. And then signed with the company. University of Hu Ge in the after school shooting more than 30 ads, also participated in the movie "pretend not feeling" and "suspicious".
February 27, 2004, starred in the first TV series "dandelion" premiere, Hu song plays the agricultural career Hao.
January 24, 2005, starring in the ancient costume drama "Paladin" broadcast, Hu song played forthright and affectionate Li Xiaoyao, and singing two episodes "June rain" and "Happy sigh"; December 13 days, costume monsters unit drama "new Strange" premiere, Hu Ge starring "Xiao Qian" unit plays the scholar Ning mining minister.
January 15, 2006, starred in the costume drama "days outside the fairy" premiere, Hu song as "sweet potato" Dong Yong, and singing two episodes "after dawn" and "moonlight", then landed in Taiwan as; June 6 On July 13, starred in the city love drama "Do not love me" premiere, "the most popular actor in the Mainland" and "the most promising newcomers in the Mainland" two awards; July 13, starred in the city love drama "Do not love me" premiere, Hu song played cartoonist Xu Feng, and singing the song "moment forever" and episode "love you will not change"; August 18, starred in the city warm movie "601 phone" release, Hu song played sunshine boy Xiao On August 29, Hu Ge in Shanghai-Hangzhou high-speed Jiaxing section of the car accident, accompanied by female assistant Zhang Ming died by the rescue.... Hu Song after six and a half hours of rescue, physical damage, general anesthesia, neck and right eye suture more than 100 needles, to accept the right eye skin graft surgery; September 26, starred in the costume drama "Juvenile Young" premiere, Hu Ge Played Yang Shaolang Yang Yanzhao, and singing episode "told him I love her"; October 25, released the first EP album "treasure".
June 22, 2007, Hu Ge held a resurgence ceremony in Beijing, officially announced the return; June 23, Hu Ge during the injury treatment of the creation of the new book "happy scavengers" release, the book royalties all donated to charity Organization "nursery action", in Yunnan Province Weixin County Shikan village construction hope primary school, and the late assistant "Zhang Mian" name.
January 27, 2008, starred in the TV series "Paladin" in the premiere three years after the first broadcast on the stars; May 12, released a personal music album "starting" and held in Shanghai, the first concert; July 19, starring in the Jin Yong martial arts drama "Eagle Shooting Heroes" premiere, Hu Song played Guo Jing, and recorded the ending song "dark cloud", and one after another in Hong Kong, Taiwan and other places broadcast; October 16, starred in the martial arts Love movie "sword butterfly" release, Hu song played Ma Chengen, the first attempt to villain role.
April 27, 2009, in the millions of people involved, nearly 100 entertainment journalists jointly vote "80 after the new generation of entertainment star" award was one of the "four small students"; June 28, starred in the costume In the first time, one person is divided into triangles, played forever when the gang Jintian, Jiang Guo Prince Long Yang, the god of heaven will fly Peng, and singing ending song "forget time" and episode " Bachelor ", the play in a number of terrestrial platform premiere are honored topped the list and won the Sichuan TV Festival" ratings contribution award ", then landed in Taiwan.
January 2, 2010, starred in the historical drama "myth" in the CCTV eight sets of premiere, Hu Song played modern youth Yi Xiaochuan, Qin Dynasty general Meng Yi, and with the white ice song ending "beautiful myth"; February 14 Day, starred in the TV series "Paladin three" star broadcast, and won the 16th Shanghai TV Festival Internet public vote "the most network of spiritual drama" award; July 2, the release of music album "Blu-ray"; August 20, starred in the urban ethical drama "bitter coffee" premiere, Hu song as the white-collar workers Chen Cong; October 20, in the first Chinese college students TV Festival with the TV series "myth" won the "network popularity award"; November 13, in the fourth session of the tripod, the "myth" won the "legendary theme of the best TV series", Hu Ge by virtue of the play won the "legendary theme actor award."
May 6, 2011, starred in the national history drama "Shangri-La" in a set of CCTV premiere, Hu song played Kang Pakistan man Zaxi Ping measures, the film won the top ten TV production awards in recognition of the "excellent drama award"; July 5 On August 6, starred in the urban business drama drama "impeccable master like forest" premiere, Hu song played the business elite Xu Ran, and the starring of the fashionable drama "modern new human" premiere, Hu song played the rich children Xie extraordinary; Singing on the theme song "master"; September 23, participating in the hundred years of the film "The Revolution" release, Hu song as "Huanghuagang one of the seven martyrs" Lin Juemin, and by virtue of this angle nominated the 31st September 30, the animated film "juvenile Yue Fei legend" release, Hu Ge as the protagonist Yue Fei dubbing; December 15, in the 2011 Youku drama festival won the "Youku index most affected by the" Best Newcomer Award " Welcome to the actor award "; December 23, at the 2011 National Opera Festival won the" mainland annual network of the most popular actor award ".
February 6, 2012, animated film "big temple" release, Hu song for the Wu song star dub; July 6, who is also producer and lead starring costume fantasy drama "Xuanyuanjian days of the mark" in Hunan (July 10, animated film "McDull Dangdang with me"), and the theme song "a kiss days" and episode "fingerprint" On August 16, starring the city love movie "gorgeous after" release, Hu song as blind massage therapist Hu Ming; October 27, urban fashion unit drama "refresh 3 +7 "In the Eastern TV Weekly broadcast, Hu Ge starred in two units and guest two units, singing ending song" a story ", and any unit" city light "screenwriter; December 10, in the 8th China Ding Award by virtue of "Xuanyuanjian the day of the mark" won the "Chinese legend theme drama best actor award"; and by virtue of the play in the December 14 "2012 National Drama Festival" was "the most popular actor award "
April 1, 2013, starred in the sound of 8-hour drama "dream dream" in Beijing Poly Theater premiere, played on the 5th patient, the drama is the first Wuzhen drama festival opening drama, by virtue of the play Hu song won the first 2 Session of the Beijing Danny International Stage Performing Arts Award "best actor award"; May 4, starred in the Bai Xianyong full dialect of Shanghai dialect drama "forever Yin Xueyan" premiere in Shanghai, Hu song played Xu Zu chart, by virtue of this Drama Hu song won the Shanghai Cultural Square "the most popular actor award", which is his first use of Shanghai dialect in Shanghai drama stage; October 20, at the 4th China University TV Festival, Hu "November 8, by virtue of the performance in the two drama won the 2013 BQ Red List" annual drama red "in the drama" Xuanyuanjian the days of the mark "performance was" the most popular college students favorite actor " Person award ".
May 22, 2014, starred in the city life drama "Life Apocalypse" premiere, Hu song played urban warm boy Bao Jia Ming, and by virtue of this angle to obtain the 9th Seoul International TV Festival "audience vote in Asia most popular actor award"; July 1, the animated film "Dragon Valley: broken Xiaoqi" release, Hu song for the knight Besi Ke De voice; October 1, starred in the costume drama "wind in the romantic" in Hunan Satellite TV broadcast, Hu December 1, participating in the epic anti-war drama "forty-nine festival" in Hunan TV premiere, Hu song as the national army lieutenant Dai Tao, the song "Jiuye", and singing " And on December 17, at the 2004 National Opera Festival, starred in the "Apocalypse of Life" was "the top ten TV series" in the first year of the " Four, Hu Ge by virtue of "life Apocalypse" "Wind Romance" "forty-nine festival" three drama won the "most popular actor award".
August 19, 2015, starred in the people of the spy drama "camouflage" in Hunan TV premiere, Hu song played the military special agent out of the table; September 19, starred in the costume drama "Langya list" in the premiere, Hu song October 16, starred in the city emotional drama "good time" in the premiere, Hu song as vice president of travel agency Yuan Hao, the play is the first TV station in the East TV station, the first time, Drama; October 31, by virtue of "camouflage" won the 2nd Hengdian film and television Wen Rong Award "Best Actor Award"; November 4, held in Fukuoka, Japan, the 10th anniversary of the Asian TV drama awards ceremony by virtue of "December 19, by virtue of" Langya list "won the 2015 national drama festival" best actor award ", starred in the" camouflage "," the best of life "and" Asian special contribution award "and the whole speech in English; December 19, December 28, by virtue of "camouflage" "Langya list" to become the 30th China TV drama Flying Award "outstanding actor award" three "three years of drama" One of the nominees Starring "Langya list" won the "outstanding TV drama award"; 2009 to 2015, Hu Ge has "myth" "Shangri-La" "Apocalypse of life" "forty-nine festival" "camouflage" "Langya list" Time "a total of seven drama has been selected SARFT calendar year" Chinese TV series anthology ", the number of selected works in all the actors in China ranked third.
February 7, 2016, in Shanghai people from all walks of life to celebrate the concert on the Italian song "my sun"; February 7, boarded the CCTV Spring Festival Gala, and Xu Ruyun partner singing songs "love each other"; March 8, in the Shanghai TV drama production and the first session of the Chinese TV drama quality ceremony was "the most market appeal of the actor award" and "annual quality performance awards"; April 1, starred in the youth inspirational drama "whirlwind eleven people June 10, by virtue of "Langya list" won the 22nd Shanghai TV Festival Magnolia Award "Best Actor Award"; September 16, with the Shanghai Tourism Image of the ambassador's identity modeling and Mei Changsu modeling two wax figure, at the same time settled in Shanghai Madame Tussauds Wax Museum; October 16, by virtue of "Langya list" won the 28th China TV Golden Eagle Award "audience favorite actor award" and 11th China Golden Eagle Television Festival "the most popular actor award"; November 30, the Chinese Literature and Art Federation of the tenth national congress opened in the Great Hall of the people, Hu song as the Chinese television art Family association representatives attended the meeting, and held in the evening of December 3, "flowers fragrant times bloom" at the closing party with Tong Liya partner singing song "a pair of mandarin duck water drift."
January 27, 2017, the second time on the CCTV Spring Festival concert song "at the moment"; February 13, returned to his alma mater Shanghai Theater Academy as a professional art examiners; February 26, in the second Chinese TV drama quality festival on the "outstanding quality star of the year" and singing the song "you are such a person"; March 4, arrived in the United States for further study.
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