

misa2 04-21 5次浏览 0条评论




A:B 啊,如今良多人都在过西方恋人节,可是我们中国也有本身的传统恋人节哦,你晓得它喊什么吗?

B:不就是七夕节吗,谁不晓得呀 ! 每年那个时候,一些大哥哥大姐姐就会相约碰头。但那节日与我无关,我还小呢 !


B:实是羞愧,提起七夕我只能想到打折促销,关于它的传统风俗嘛我就不清晰了。正好趁那个时机你给我讲讲吧 ! 乞巧到底是什么,与我们南京又有什么渊源呢?











The Double-Seventh Festival (Qiqiao Festival) in Nanjing

The Double-Seventh Festival (Qiqiao Festival) in Nanjing

A: B, many people celebrate the western Valentine’s Day nowadays. But we Chinese also have our own Valentine’s Day. Do you know what it is?

B: Then it must be the Double-Seventh Festival (Qiqiao Festival). Everyone knows it! Those big brothers and sisters will meet each other on that day. However, it has nothing to do with me. I’m only a child!

A: Your understanding about the Double-Seventh Festival is quite superficial. Let me tell you something about it: the Double-Seventh Festival can be traced back to the Warring States period. People (especially girls) would hold a ceremony on that day to beg Zhinü (the weaver girl, symbolizing Vega) for dexterity in needlework, love, beauty, babies, life span and a good year. And the custom of begging for dexterity in needlework has a deep origin with Nanjing city!

B: I feel so ashamed of myself. When it comes to the Double-Seventh Festival, I can only think of those big discounts. But I don’t know anything about its traditional customs. Just tell us something about it! What does the custom of begging for dexterity in needlework mean? And how does it relate to Nanjing?

A: Perhaps you don’t know this. Let me tell you something about it. Girls would plead for skills by threading a needle, putting a spider into a locket, preparing melons and fruit as well as placing a needle on the water surface. Take needle threading as an example. Girls would do needlework under the moon on that day. And the custom of begging for dexterity in needlework was especially popular in Nanjing in ancient times. Can you guess why?

B: Let me guess. Nanjing has been a big province of silk trade since ancient times. The silk industry in Nanjing can be traced back to the Dongwu period. And it reached its peak during the Northern and Southern Dynasties. As you can see, the custom of begging for dexterity in needlework has something to do with the silk industry. As a result, it naturally became popular in Nanjing.

A: Yes, you are right! And it is said that girls in Nanjing learned the weaving skills

from Zhinü. Therefore, they had an emotional attachment to her.

B: Oh, it reminds me that my mother once told me that those girls would also paint their fingernails red with balsamine during the Double-Seventh Festival.

A: That’s right. And those traditional customs have been handed down from the

Dongwu period to the Republic of China for more than 1600 years!

B: Those customs of the Double-Seventh Festival in Nanjing are indeed very interesting. What’s more, people will also hold various activities on that day nowadays.

A: I know this. For example, men and women will send flowers to each other. And those shopping malls will offer enough special products on that day, which is, to some extent, a continuation of the traditions of the Double-Seventh Festival.

B: That’s right. But I really hope that those interesting customs of the Double-Seventh Festival in Nanjing can come back into fashion again. “Gazing to the moon, girls pray to Zhinü for dexterity in needlework, with thousands of red threads put into the needle holes”. How wonderful it will be!


【尚优公考】滁州总工会工做者、协商批示员面试实题揣测:多种渠道,鼓吹通知 湖北女子七夕恋人节陪汉子逛街,须眉当场脱手,网友:不安于室

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