首页游戏攻略方舟生存进化控制台攻略 指令详细介绍

方舟生存进化控制台攻略 指令详细介绍

游经典 06-26 33次浏览 0条评论



God – Enables God Mode(Rumor has it you can still drown)无敌

Fly – You can fly!飞行

Walk – Stops you from flying.停止飞行

Teleport – Teleport in the direction you are facing.传送到目视中心点

Ghost – Noclip, walk through objects/walls.穿墙

ToggleInfiniteAmmo: Unlimited Ammo!无限弹药

setcheatplayer true – Turns on cheat menu.作弊选单开

setcheatplayer false – Turns off cheat menu.作弊选单关

giveresources – Gives 50 of any resource on local servers.所有资源给50份

giveengrams – Unlocks all crafting.所有制作蓝图解锁

ServerPVE – Disables PVP.网服关闭PVP

ServerHardcore – Character stats reset on death.网服死后人物经验清空

ServerForceNoHUD – Floating names become disabled.网服关闭显示名字

ServerCrosshair – Enables Crosshair.网服开启十字瞄准

GlobalVoiceChat – Everyone can hear everyone, no matter the distance.网服语音全开

ProximityChat – Text chat only appears at close proximity.网服文字限制

AllowThirdPersonPlayer – Enables 3rd person.开启第三人称

AlwaysNotifyPlayerLeft – Enables departure message.网服开启登出信息

DontAlwaysNotifyPlayerJoined – Disables join message.网服关闭登入信息

settimeofday <time> – Changes time.改变时间

AltSaveDirectoryName – Server data is saved in an alternate directory.网服设定存储位置

saveworld – Saves the current world.存档

damagetarget <amount> – Damage is dealt to your target.伤害当前目标

destroyallenemies – Destroys all enemies on local servers.杀死所有敌人

destroytarget – Destroys the entire world. Do not use this unless you want to nuke your current world.毀灭世界

slomo 5 – Unsure. Still needs testing.不明功能

autoSpawn trex – Spawns a T-Rex.生出暴龙

autoSpawn dragon – Spawns a Dragon.生出龙

NoTributeDownloads – Disable downloading external items/characters/dinosaurs into this ARK.关闭mod(外部物件)


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