

misa2 08-18 3次浏览 0条评论
  1. 我最喜欢的政治家150字英语范文?
  2. 田径标准缩写符号?


Throughout the 5,000-year history of the Chinese nation, generations of heroes and heroes have come forth in large numbers.

Among them, Mao Zedong, the leader who created our new China, has made the greatest impact on me and benefited a lot.

He, a great man, can be said to be a magical figure.

He has great leadership and fighting ability for thousands of years.

It was his 25,000-mile Long March that resisted the strong enemy and ensured the lives and blood of many Red Army soldiers.

At the same time, it was precisely because of his correct leadership policy that the Chinese Red Army was able to win battles and become a capable revolutionary team, which led to the later unity and prosperity of the country.

If we describe him in this way, I think he deserves to be the father of the People's Republic of China.



田径比赛中常用符号缩写,应使用在检录单及成绩记录单上:未参赛( DNS )未完成比赛( DNF )无成功试跳(掷)成绩( NM )取消比赛资格( DQ )跳高及撑竿跳高成功试跳( O )田赛失败试跳(掷)( X )田赛免跳(-)退出比赛( r )径赛按名次晋级( Q )


  ★未参赛 (DNS)

  ★未完成比赛 (DNF)

  ★无成功试跳(掷)成绩 (NM)

  ★取消比赛资格 (DQ)


  ★田赛失败试跳(掷) (X)

  ★田赛免跳 (-)

  ★退出比赛 (r)

  ★径赛按名次晋级 (Q)

  ★径赛按成绩递补晋级 (q)

  ★田赛达到及格标准晋级 (Q)


  ★由裁判长裁决晋级 (qR)

  ★由仲裁裁决晋级 (qJ)

  ★曲膝 (竞走) (Bent Knee">")

  ★腾空 (竞走) (Loss of Contact "~")

  ★黄卡 (Yellow Card - YC)

  ★第二次黄卡 (Second Yellow Card - YRC)

  ★红卡 (Red Card - RC)

  ★本赛季最好成绩 (Seasonal Best---SB)

  ★个人最好成绩 (Personal Best---PB)

  ★本赛季世界最好成绩 (World Leading---WL)

  ★国家纪录 (nation record---NR)

  ★赛会纪录 (match record---MR)

  ★世界纪录 (World Record---WR)

  ★奥运会纪录 (Olympic Record---OR)

nation red
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